Base class for Heap Implementations.

Extends Instance Properties
PropertyTypeDefault ValueDescription

the current number of elements.


true if the Heap is empty.


the keys of all items in the heap.


the values contained in the heap.


Defined collections/Heap.js Source
function (){
   this.__heap = [];

__downHeap Function Private

Defined collections/Heap.js

Heapify the heap after the root has been removed

Arguments Source
function (index){
   throw new Error("NOT IMPLEMENTED");

__upHeap Function Private

Defined collections/Heap.js

Perform the heapify operation after the an item as been added to the bottom of the heap.

Arguments Source
function (index){
   throw new Error("NOT IMPLEMENTED");

clear Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Empty the heap.

function (){
   this.__heap.length = 0;

containsKey Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Determine if the heap contains a particular key.

Arguments Returns Source
function (key){
   var heap = this.__heap;
   for (var i = heap.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
       if (heap[i].key === key) {
           return true;
   return false;

containsValue Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Determine if the heap contains a particular value.

Arguments Returns Source
function (value){
   var heap = this.__heap;
   for (var i = heap.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
       if (heap[i].value === value) {
           return true;
   return false;

insert Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Insert a key value into the key

Arguments Source
function (key,value){
   if (!base.isString(key)) {
       var l = this.__heap.push(this.__makeNode(key, value));
       this.__upHeap(l - 1);
   } else {
       throw new TypeError("Invalid key");

peek Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Gets he value of the root node with out removing it.

Returns Source
function (){
   var heap = this.__heap,
       l = heap.length,
   if (l) {
       ret = heap[0];
   return ret ? ret.value : ret;

peekKey Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Gets the key of the root node without removing it.

Returns Source
function (){
   var heap = this.__heap,
       l = heap.length,
   if (l) {
       ret = heap[0];
   return ret ? ret.key : ret;

print Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Print the heap.

function (){
   this.__printNode(0, 0);

remove Function Public

Defined collections/Heap.js

Removes the root from the heap

Returns Source
function (){
   var heap = this.__heap,
       l = heap.length,
   if (l) {
       ret = heap[0];
       if (l === 1) {
           heap.length = 0;
       } else {
           heap[0] = heap.pop();
   return ret ? ret.value : ret;


