utilities for working with promises.
Exposes array methods on a comb.Promise.
The methods added are.
When using this method each of the methods are chainable so you can combine actions.
var array = comb.async.array;
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
.map(function (num, i) {
return num * (i + 1);
}).filter(function (num) {
return num % 2;
console.log(avg); //11.666666666666666
the promise or array to use.
function (p){ var ret; if (!p || !p.__isArrayAsync__) { ret = merge(when(p), { promise: function () { return asyncArray(this); } }); forEach(methods, function (m) { var func = asyncExports[m]; ret[m] = function () { var args = argsToArray(arguments), mRet = new Promise(); nextTick(function () { func.apply(null, [ret].concat(args)).then(mRet); }); return asyncArray(mRet); }; }); ret.__isArrayAsync__ = true; } else { ret = p; } p = null; return ret; }
Async version of comb.array.avg.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(avg); //3
console.log(avg); //3
function (avgPromise){ return when(avgPromise).chain(function (result) { return avg.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); }); }
Async version of comb.array.cartesian.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(avg); //[ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 2, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ] ]
comb.async.cartesian(asyncArr(), [1,2,3]).then(function(avg){
console.log(avg); //[ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 2, 2 ], [ 2, 3 ] ]
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return cartesian.apply(array, normalizeResult(result).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
Async version of comb.array.compact.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,null,2,null,3,null,4,null,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(compacted); //[1,2,3,4,5]
console.log(compacted); //[1,2,3,4,5]
function (arr){ return asyncArray(when(arr).chain(function (result) { return compact.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); })); }
Async version of comb.array.difference.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(diff); //[1,2]
comb.async.difference(asyncArr(), [3,4,5]).then(function(diff){
console.log(diff); //[1,2]
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return difference.apply(array, normalizeResult(result).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
Loops through the results of an promise resolving with true if every item passed, false otherwise. The promise can return an array or just a single item.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.every(asyncArr(), function(item){
return item <= 5;
console.log(every); //true
You may also return a promise from the iterator block.
comb.async.every(asyncArr(), function(item, index){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
ret.callback(item == 1);
return ret.promise();
console.log(myNewArr) //false;
the promise or array to loop through
a function to invoke for each item
optional scope to execute the function in.
a promise that is resolved true if every item passed false otherwise.
function (promise,iterator,scope,limit){ return asyncArray(asyncLoop(promise, iterator, scope, limit).chain(function (results) { return results.loopResults.every(function (res) { return !!res; }); })); }
Loops through the results of an promise resolving with the filtered array. The promise can return an array or just a single item.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.filter(asyncArr(), function(item){
return item % 2;
console.log(arr); //[1,3,5];
You may also return a promise from the iterator block.
comb.async.filter(asyncArr(), function(item, index){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
ret.callback(item % 2);
return ret.promise();
console.log(myNewArr) //[1,3,5];
the promise or array to loop through
a function to invoke for each item
optional scope to execute the function in.
a promise that is resolved with the filtered array.
function (promise,iterator,scope,limit){ return asyncArray(asyncLoop(promise, iterator, scope, limit).chain(function (results) { var loopResults = results.loopResults, resultArr = results.arr; return (isArray(resultArr) ? resultArr : [resultArr]).filter(function (res, i) { return loopResults[i]; }); })); }
Async version of comb.array.flatten.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(flat); //[1,2,3,4,5]
console.log(flat); //[1,2,3,4,5]
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return flatten.apply(array, normalizeResult(result).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
Loops through the results of an promise. The promise can return an array or just a single item.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.forEach(asyncArr(), function(){
//do something with it
console.log(arr); //[1,2,3,4,5];
You may also return a promise from the iterator block.
var myNewArr = [];
comb.async.forEach(asyncArr(), function(item, index){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
myNewArr.push([item, index]);
return ret.promise();
console.log(myNewArr) //[[1,0], [2,1], [3,2], [4,3], [5,4]]
the promise or array to loop through
a function to invoke for each item
optional scope to execute the function in.
a promise that is resolved with the original array.
function (promise,iterator,scope,limit){ return asyncArray(asyncLoop(promise, iterator, scope, limit).chain(function (results) { return results.arr; })); }
Async version of comb.array.intersect.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.array(asyncArr()).intersect([3,4], [3]).then(function(intersection){
console.log(intersection); //[3]
comb.async.intersect(asyncArr(), [3,4]).then(function(intersection){
console.log(intersection); //[3,4]
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return intersect.apply(array, normalizeResult(result).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
Async version of comb.array.invoke.
function person(name, age) {
return {
getName:function () {
return when(name);
getOlder:function () {
return when(this);
getAge:function () {
return when(age);
var arr = [when(person("Bob", 40)), when(person("Alice", 35)), when(person("Fred", 50)), when(person("Johnny", 56))];
console.log(comb.async.invoke(arr, "getName")); //["Bob", "Alice", "Fred", "Johnny"]
console.log(array(arr).invoke("getOlder").pluck("getAge")) //[41, 36, 51, 57]
function (arrPromise){ var args = argsToArray(arguments, 1); return asyncArray(when(arrPromise).chain(function (result) { return when(invoke.apply(array, [normalizeResult(result)].concat(args))); })); }
Loops through the results of an promise resolving with the return value of the iterator function. The promise can return an array or just a single item.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.map(asyncArr(), function(item){
return item * 2;
console.log(arr); //[2,4,6,8,10];
You may also return a promise from the iterator block.
comb.async.map(asyncArr(), function(item, index){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
ret.callback(item * 2);
return ret.promise();
console.log(myNewArr) //[2,4,6,8,10];
the promise or array to loop through
a function to invoke for each item
optional scope to execute the function in.
a promise that is resolved with the mapped array.
function (promise,iterator,scope,limit){ return asyncArray(asyncLoop(promise, iterator, scope, limit).chain(function (results) { return results.loopResults; })); }
Async version of comb.array.max.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(max); //5
console.log(max); //5
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), cmp = null; if (isFunction(last) || isString(last)) { cmp = last; } else { args.push(last); } return when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return max.call(array, normalizeResult(result), cmp); }); }
Async version of comb.array.min.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(min) //3
console.log(min) //3
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), cmp = null; if (isFunction(last) || isString(last)) { cmp = last; } else { args.push(last); } return when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return min.call(array, normalizeResult(result), cmp); }); }
Async version of comb.array.multiply.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(mult); //[1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5]
comb.async.multiply(asyncArr(),2 ).then(function(mult){
console.log(mult); //[1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5]
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), times = null; if (isNumber(last)) { times = last; } else { args.push(last); } return asyncArray(when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return multiply.call(array, normalizeResult(result), times); })); }
Async version of comb.array.permutations.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(permutations) //[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],
// [ 1, 3, 2 ],
// [ 2, 3, 1 ],
// [ 2, 1, 3 ],
// [ 3, 1, 2 ],
// [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]
console.log(permutations) //[ [ 1, 2, 3 ],
// [ 1, 3, 2 ],
// [ 2, 3, 1 ],
// [ 2, 1, 3 ],
// [ 3, 1, 2 ],
// [ 3, 2, 1 ] ]
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), times = null; if (isNumber(last)) { times = last; } else { args.push(last); } return asyncArray(when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return permutations.call(array, normalizeResult(result), times); })); }
Async version of comb.array.pluck.
var when = comb.when,
array = comb.async.array;
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [
{name:{first:when("Fred"), last:"Jones"}, age:when(50), roles:["a", "b", "c"]},
{name:{first:"Bob", last:"Yukon"}, age:40, roles:when(["b", "c"])},
{name:{first:"Alice", last:"Palace"}, age:when(35), roles:["c"]},
{name:{first:when("Johnny"), last:"P."}, age:56, roles:when([])}
return ret.promise;
console.log(values); //["Fred", "Bob", "Alice", "Johnny"]
pluck(asyncArr(), "age").then(function(values){
console.log(values); //[50, 40, 35, 56]
function (arrPromise,property){ var args = argsToArray(arguments, 1); return asyncArray(when(arrPromise).chain(function (result) { var prop = property.split("."); result = normalizeResult(result); return asyncArray(prop).forEach(function (prop) { var exec = prop.match(/(\w+)\(\)$/); return asyncArray(result).map(function (item) { return exec ? item[exec[1]]() : item[prop]; }, 1).chain(function (res) { result = res; }); }, 1).chain(function () { return result; }); })); }
Async version of comb.array.powerSet.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(set); //[ [], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]
console.log(set); //[ [], [ 1 ], [ 2 ], [ 1, 2 ], [ 3 ], [ 1, 3 ], [ 2, 3 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ]
function (arr){ return asyncArray(when(arr).chain(function (result) { return powerSet.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); })); }
Async version of comb.array.removeDuplicates.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(unique); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
console.log(unique); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
function (arr){ return asyncArray(when(arr).chain(function (result) { return removeDuplicates.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); })); }
Async version of comb.array.rotate.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(rotated); // [ 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 ]
comb.async.rotate(asyncArr(), 2).then(function(rotated){
console.log(rotated); // [ 3, 4, 5, 1, 2 ]
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), times = null; if (isNumber(last)) { times = last; } else { args.push(last); } return asyncArray(when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return rotate.call(array, normalizeResult(result), times); })); }
Loops through the results of an promise resolving with true if some items passed, false otherwise. The promise can return an array or just a single item.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.some(asyncArr(), function(item){
return item == 1;
console.log(every); //true
You may also return a promise from the iterator block.
comb.async.some(asyncArr(), function(item, index){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
ret.callback(item > 5);
return ret.promise();
console.log(myNewArr) //false;
the promise or array to loop through
a function to invoke for each item
optional scope to execute the function in.
a promise that is resolved with true if some items passed false otherwise.
function (promise,iterator,scope,limit){ return asyncArray(asyncLoop(promise, iterator, scope, limit).chain(function (results) { return results.loopResults.some(function (res) { return !!res; }); })); }
Async version of comb.array.sort.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,3,2,5,4]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(sorted); //[1,2,3,4,5]
console.log(sorted); //[1,2,3,4,5]
function (){ var args = argsToArray(arguments), last = args.pop(), cmp = null; if (isFunction(last) || isString(last)) { cmp = last; } else { args.push(last); } return asyncArray(when.apply(null, args).chain(function (result) { return sort.call(array, normalizeResult(result), cmp); })); }
Async version of comb.array.sum.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(sum) //15
console.log(sum) //15
function (arr){ return when(arr).chain(function (result) { return sum.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); }); }
Async version of comb.array.transpose.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(transposed); //[ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
console.log(transposed); //[ [ 1, 4 ], [ 2, 5 ], [ 3, 6 ] ]
function (arr){ return asyncArray(when(arr).chain(function (result) { return transpose.call(array, normalizeResult(result)); })); }
Async version of comb.array.union.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.array(asyncArr()).union([3],[7], [9,10]).then(function(union){
console.log(union); //[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10]
comb.async.union(asyncArr(), [3],[7], [9,10]).then(function(union){
console.log(union); //[1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10]
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return union.apply(array, (normalizeResult(result)).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
Async version of comb.array.unique.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(unique); //[1,2,3,4,5]
console.log(unique); //[1,2,3,4,5]
function (){ return asyncRemoveDuplicates.apply(null, arguments); }
Async version of comb.array.valuesAt.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
console.log(values); //[3,4,5]
comb.async.valuesAt(asyncArr(), 2,3,4).then(function(values){
console.log(values); //[3,4,5]
function (arrPromise){ var args = argsToArray(arguments, 1); return asyncArray(when(arrPromise).chain(function (result) { return when(valuesAt.apply(array, [normalizeResult(result)].concat(args))); })); }
Zips results from promises into an array.
function asyncArr(){
var ret = new comb.Promise();
process.nextTick(ret.callback.bind(ret, [1,2,3,4,5]);
return ret.promise;
comb.async.zip(asyncArr(), asyncArr()).then(function(zipped){
console.log(zipped); //[[1,1],[2,2],[3,3], [4,4], [5,5]]
console.log(zipped); //[[1,1],[2,2],[3,3], [4,4], [5,5]]
an array with all the arrays zipped together.
function (){ return asyncArray(when.apply(null, argsToArray(arguments)).chain(function (result) { return zip.apply(array, normalizeResult(result).map(function (arg) { return isArray(arg) ? arg : [arg]; })); })); }
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