

Emitted when the headers are parsed

  • If the headers option is a function that transform headers, the array passed to this event will be the transformed headers
  • If the headers option is set to an array of headers, the emitted header will be the option passed in.
  • If the headers option is set to true the headers will be the parsed headers from the csv.

If the headers option is set to false or the csv has no rows then the event WILL NOT be emitted.


Emitted when a record is parsed.

  • If headers are present then all rows will be an object.
  • If headers are not present then all rows will be an array.

If objectMode is set to false then all rows will be a buffer with a JSON row.


Emitted if there was invalid row encounted;

  • Emitted when a validate function is provided and an invalid row is encountered.
  • Emitted when strictColumnHandling is true and a row with a different number of fields than headers is encountered.